
The effort continues


I am off next week for a weeklong trip to Southern California.  I will have some time on the way down to do some landscape photographs along the coast.  First time on Highway 1 in about 15 years.  Will enjoy a four day class in Orange County learning about photography, beaches and models.

Added photos to the private gallery today from a photo shoot with a professional model (Amber).  The shoot was fun, but again exposed things I need to learn.  At least I am getting better at not carrying the mistakes forward.

I’m trying something new with the camera.  I was having trouble maintaining my focus point.  I customized the camera for back button focus.  It seemed a little odd at first, but I think I may keep it that way.


I added a Waypoints Photography site to Smug Mug.  It was a necessary experiment in the distribution of photos brought on by family events.  My Dad passed away and that brought family from afar.  But it also left out some who could not make the trip.  I videoed the service and took pictures.  A helpful focus for me during the event and a benefit to those who want memories or could not be there.

Private Gallery

I added a private gallery today.  Some of the work I want to do will include portraits.  They might be of either gender and they might even include dogs and cats.  They might include people of any age.  Depending upon the client’s desires I might include a photograph or two from their shoot on my website.

Some of the work will be more erotic and that is the reason for adding the private gallery.  Boudoir photography can be fun and empowering.  Maybe the photographs are for your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or just for yourself.  The objective is to make you look amazing.

The private gallery was added to showcase work where the model prefers privacy but is willing to provide an endorsement of sorts to other potential models by allowing their image to speak.  If you think that getting in front of the camera might be fun and rewarding, contact me.  If a collaboration seems likely, you might want to visit and let the images speak to you.